Mia Doucet


Or . . . as a friend once said to me in fun . . . 

They don’t make violins big enough!
Thirty years, three psychiatrists, several psychotherapists and energy psychology practitioners later, I was still not happy.
All the themes and patterns were still there: a traumatic childhood that included a sledding accident at age four that left me in a coma and memories of being rescued a year later from a fire a fire that destroyed our home and business.  Exposure to domestic violence and night time threats of murder-suicide were a constant in my childhood.

Adult traumas included PTSD from resulting from an attack at knife point, and a sexual assault that ended my marriage when my youngest child was five days old.  Accidents, marriage breakdown, a painful divorce, single parenthood, work and personal betrayals, lawsuits, financial fiascoes, relationship failures, four-year on-the-job sexual harassment, the untimely death by cancer of my best friend /colleague/admin support, and an accident at my gym that resulted in a debilitating 9-year bout with Fibromyalgia. (Had the t-shirt and the disabled parking pass.)
Things were fine for a while, until my thriving Asia consulting practice collapsed along with the economy in 2008. 

The financial failure of my business brought up the old emotional scars and created a year-long state of paralysis and self-doubt.

Until I made two discoveries that changed my life. And those discoveries became my proprietary program