Mia Doucet


Undischarged anger is profoundly destructive to health and to relationships. Whether we are the angry one or whether we are in fear of other people’s anger.

Anger often underlies and goes with other emotions such as betrayal, abandonment, sadness, shame, humiliation, lack of control. All of which are difficult to release through talk therapy.

If anger is your jam, you know what I mean . . .

Deeply buried, repressed anger can often show up as back pain.

So when you want to live a happy life in a vibrant, healthy energetic body, getting rid of anger is a great place to start. Because, as they say . . .

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

If you’re frustrated because you’ve tried everything and not got results with tapping, CONTACT ME. I specialize in working with tough cases.

“I am feeling very positive, Mia. It’s amazing. Before we worked together I was angry, bitter, and battling feelings of betrayal and abandonment. There was so much stress in my life, I was just coping. Our sessions were very liberating. And I’m sure it’s why I’m in such good shape now. You can’t be carrying all that stuff and move forward in your life. I’ve stopped the injustices in my life.”

~ Marie (full name withheld on request)

“Before working with you two years ago, I thought I could do EFT on my own. But I was having a hard time letting go of what had happened in a business relationship. I was bitter, hurt and angry at losing everything. I couldn’t get it out of my mind and couldn’t sleep at night. Even though I’m resilient, I was a wreck. Then we talked about other failed relationships. I saw that it was one more rejection. I am proud to say that EFT really did help. It was the turning point for me and my self-worth. I started building on that and fostering what you had done. There’s no more guilt, no more judging myself. Life is good.”

~ Connie Morrison

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