Categories: Weight Loss

Weight Loss – The 10 Quickest Ways To Lose Weight

am quite convinced that the only way to lose weight for good is through meridian tapping because it make the weight loss process so easy and natural. At the same time, I understand your desire to lose weight quickly.


  • If you feel that you are ready to shed pounds quickly without the need for meridian tapping . . .
  • If you have an important event on the horizon and you want to look your best for the occasion . . .
  • If you’re not quite ready to look at the underlying issues behind your weight problems . . .
  • If you still don’t feel that there is more to weight loss than dieting . . .
  • If you want to test your ability to lose weight on your own without working on deeper issues . . .

Then listen up. Because in the next few minutes, I’m going to let you in on the 10 quickest ways I can think of to lose weight quickly. The best news is that none of these 10 quick ways will cost you a cent above what you already spend on food. You don’t need to invest in any expensive weight loss program.

More good news: The 10 quickest ways are also the 10 healthiest ways to lose weight. You will never go hungry. And food will start to taste so good.

1. Cut out white sugar. Sweeten with organic stevia instead. If you have to.

2. Cut out every single thing that has even a whisper of aspartame, high fructose corn syrup or any other artificial sweeteners. That means, stay away from Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, diet anything. They make you fat and keep you wanting more. Once you start reading labels and you see how many of these products list high fructose corn syrup as one of the main ingredients you will be absolutely shocked. 

3. Cut out grains – white, whole wheat, 7-grain, rye – you name it. That means cut out breads, cereals, pastas. They all turn into sugar in the digestion process. Think of them as wolves in sheep’s clothing. (Bad image . . . but I’m sure you get the idea.)

4. Cut out all pre-packaged and processed foods (which, interestingly, are the number one source of calorie intake in the developed world).

5. Substitute fresh fruit for fruit juice in the morning. That way you get the benefit of the whole fruit, including the fiber. It’s probably best to avoid tropical fruits and eat mainly berries for now. Two exceptions to this are kiwifruit and pineapple. Although tropical and high on the Glycemic Index, pineapple is low on Glycemic Load. Pineapple is loaded with bromelain, which is both an anti-inflammatory and digestive aid. If you’re a person who needs dessert now and then, they are an excellent choice. Just don’t overdo it.

6. Increase your intake of protein with a good quality whey protein powder that does not contain additives or artificial sweeteners (see above).

7. For dinner, eat protein and fresh vegetables. (Here’s an image that might work for you: divide your plate in half then divide one of the halves in half again. Fill half the plate with fresh salad, one quarter with protein (chicken, fish, beef, lamb) and one quarter with a fresh vegetable, preferably of the color green. Not starchy veggies such as potatoes or carrots or peas. (Avoid any that grow beneath the ground or contain a lot of natural sugars.) Go ahead and butter the veggies. Splash the salad with a dressing you make yourself. Avoid prepared salad dressings for the reasons outlined above. My favorite? 3 parts EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) or grape seed oil, 1 part fresh lemon juice or white balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Delicious.

8. Increase your daily water intake to an amount that is optimal for you: drink 40% of your weight in ounces, not pounds. In other words, if you weigh 160 pounds, you want to take in 64 ounces (equals 8 8-oz glasses) of water a day. If you weigh 200 pounds, you want to take in 80 ounces (10 8-oz glasses).

  • Drink a glass of water when you get up in the morning.
  • Drink a glass of water before each meal.
  • Drink a glass of water before dessert.
  • Drink a glass of water before any snack.
  • Drink a glass of water during and after exercise.
  • Drink a glass of water when you’re tempted to eat anything sweet.

Okay, I said it wouldn’t cost you a cent. If you choose to drink bottled water instead of tap water, it will cost you more than a cent, but it will still be less expensive than sodas and ice teas and their ilk. And you’re probably already drinking bottled water anyway.

9. Squeeze fresh lemon juice in your water. Fresh lemon juice. Not that bottled stuff. Scrub the lemon rind and throw it in the drink for extra flavor. This is a good way to flush out toxins from your system, especially first thing in the morning. If you find lemon or lime a little tart, add a bit of organic stevia. 

10. Reduce the amount of stress you are under. Because stress reduces the pace of your weight loss. Do you know the best way to reduce stress? Meridian tapping. 

You are a smart person. (I know this because you wouldn’t have read this far if you weren’t.) So you can see, can’t you, that if you are unable to do the above, if you are unable to do what it takes to lose weight, it’s because of deep emotional factors and you definitely need to look into meridian tapping to assist you.


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