Categories: Sexual Abuse

Meridian Tapping Offers Hope for Victims of Sexual Violence

We’ve been reading a lot recently about high profile cases of hidden sexual violence against boys and girls in professional hockey, football, swimming and judo.

Now the US government has just this week released the results of an in-depth phone survey of sexual violence. The report confirms that rape and sexual violence are far more common than previously thought. We read that nearly 1 in 5 women report having been raped in their lifetime. And as if it could be worse, 40 percent of the victims were raped before their 18th birthday. What a scar on a young person’s psyche.

The report goes on to say that most survivors of violence develop serious mental and physical health problems. As quoted in The New York Times, “Violence often begins at an early age and commonly leads to negative health consequences across the life span.” These include: 38% have difficulty sleeping; 30% have chronic pain; 29% suffer from headaches; 27% have high blood pressure; 24% have asthmatic attacks.

On top of that, a large majority of the women and one-third of the men who have suffered from aggression report symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Now, I know that what I am about to say is not how we normally view horrific events that have happened to us. But victims are the only ones who can keep the aggression alive.  We do that through constantly re-creating the episodes in our minds in an endless loop.  If you are a survivor of sexual assault, you know exactly what I mean. We feel powerless to control our intrusive thoughts. Our lives feel out of control.

To paraphrase Robert Smith, founder of FasterEFT: It happened to you in the past. Now it’s yours to deal with in the present. Only you can release the traumatic memory. Only you can let go the psychological suffering. Only you can take back control of your life.

The best way I know to take back our power is through Meridian Tapping, Matrix Re-Imprinting, and Subconscious Clearing. That is the path to true healing.

In my experience as an EFT and FasterEFT practitioner, I have found that it can take only one or two sessions to clear a lifetime of suffering from an incident. Before you think I am making light of this situation, take a look at this short YouTube interview with a survivor of childhood sexual violence who describes the EFT process as “incredibly freeing.”




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