Mia Doucet


Book Cover: Fibromyalgia - Secrets of a Fibro SurvivorIf you have Fibromyalgia, you suffer terribly and you suffer in lonely isolation.  It’s a battle that wipes you out physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. I myself overcame a debilitating 9-year battle with Fibromyalgia. And you can too. Let me show you how.

If you have not had success with the medical model, which treats the body as a mechanical thing and focuses strictly on physical symptoms, Meridian Tapping may be the solution for you. What Western medicine doesn’t yet acknowledge is that there is a mind-body connection to all disease and that is why physical remedies alone don’t work.

FIBROMYALGIA: Secrets of a Fibro Survivor was intended as the first in a series of mini books on the topic. I dropped the idea after negative reviews on Amazon by people who believe there is no cure for Fibro  (one referred to me as a “bad-ass”) and that threw me off from completing the series. Years later, my coach told me that some people say that’s a good thing!

SPOILER ALERT: This book is not for you if you are not at the point yet of welcoming the news that it’s in our power to change our mind, our health and our life.