

Would it surprise you to learn that, like so much of the pain that afflicts our lives, shame has its roots in childhood?

It is a conditioned response to the actions, judgment, punishment and fear of punishment by those in our circle who have the power to control us: parents, teachers, older siblings, and clergy.

I think that shame (with the implicit message of “who do you think you are?”) is at the root of why we come to feel like a fraud, play small, self-sabotage, overwork, feel we have to hide who we are or that we have to do everything perfectly.



“When I came to you I felt void of emotion and passion, like I was hollow. Our first five sessions changed the trajectory of my life. Tapping reopened my soul by quickly clearing out old wounds that I had carried with me for the majority of my life. I find I’m so much more of me now, much more honest, much more comfortable in my own skin. I don’t hate myself for things that weren’t my fault. I can talk about stuff like I was raped when I was seven without falling apart. I used to beat myself up for so many life choices I viewed as poor. I’ve been able to clear those feelings . . . and recognize the past for what it is—the PAST. Living in the present, I can be anything and everything I want to be—other than a singer, because all the lessons and tapping in the world would not put me on The Voice!”

~ Heather White, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing

“That was a big aha moment. I went to a psychotherapist for about eight years. And it never dawned on me that the feelings of self-esteem and not being good enough and letting people take advantage of me came right from when I was little.”  
~ Dorissa Daoust

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