“When my coaching client has emotional baggage that stands in the way of making the expected progress, I turn to Mia Doucet. I’ve seen fast and lasting changes from her unique method. I find that her services are more effective than 10 years of traditional therapy.

By referring my clients to Mia, they achieved visibly different results that helped me accelerate the outcomes I was able to achieve with them. One recent client looked like the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders because of the breakthrough Mia helped her achieve. She had been dealing with a significant emotional trauma for years and it was causing her to lose her temper and break into tears. The difference after only a few sessions with Mia was astounding. My client looked happy for the first time in months and that helped us achieve our objective after not seeming to make much progress prior to building Mia’s solution into the mix.”

~ Greg Schinkel, CSP, Frontline Leadership Expert, President of Unique Training & Development Inc.