Categories: Sexual Abuse

Jeffrey Epstein and the Dark Side of a Man’s Fantasy

Jeffrey Epstein had been convicted in 2008 for soliciting an underage girl for prostitution.

And still his sex-trafficking operation for wealthy men continued to grow. How was that possible?

Because Jeffrey Epstein the Narcissistic Sociopath knew that men are hard-wired to desire younger women. That young girls make older men feel younger and desired. That their youth, vitality and vibrancy are good for the aging, perhaps fragile male ego.

He knew that not just women but men too can be seduced.

Beyond all that, he knew how to appeal to a dark side of a man’s fantasy. As a male friend pointed out, in married and public life, men can’t give in to their darker impulses.

Knowing this, he established himself as the alpha male among males.

He was good at getting under the skin, and he could earmark what otherwise successful men REALLY wanted but didn’t know how to get. You might consider calling what Epstein recognized as a hunger for non-intimate intimacy. Source

“ . . . a hunger for non-intimate intimacy.” My my my. Isn’t that as close to the bone as you can get?

So what else did he know about male hunger?

Epstein claimed, “I’m a brain scientist. It’s my job to know how people’s brains work.”[i]

He knew how people’s brains worked, all right. He was a master of a dark, misapplied use of social intelligence. He knew why men are attracted to adolescent girls, and that is the topic of my next post.

[i] James Patterson, James, Connolly, John, et al. | Filthy Rich: The Shocking True Story of Jeffrey Epstein – The Billionaire’s Sex Scandal,  2017


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