Categories: Sexual Abuse

Why do young women like older men?

Young women may feel it’s a status symbol to be with an older man. Men of wealth, success and power have a certain cachet.

They impress with their confidence, financial stability, and sophisticated worldly ways.

Younger guys lack the social smarts and self-assurance. Not to mention, they have no gas money.

And sometimes they have zits.

Is it a Need to Feel “Special”?

Young girls are often all too keen to prove how special they are. Then, all it takes is wining and dining and some sweet talk to make a girl feel like a princess. Romantic, No?

The older man can be charming. He can be romantic. He can say the things that every woman would like to hear. Mostly, older men know how to make the young girl feel special. And young girls are totally “illusional,” totally naïve about the man’s motives.

Is it Based in Biology?

Scientific evidence suggests there is an evolutionary basis to women’s attraction to older men. It has to do with reproduction of the species, don’t you know? “While men may unconsciously want to ensure fertility in a prospective partner, for women, an older partner may be in a better position to provide financial stability.” i

Is it Romance? A Cultural Cliché?

Here’s what my friend John had to say when I asked, Why would a young girl . . .

She’s a bit naïve. Most young girls believe in the Cinderella story. She’s heard all her life about romantic love. The fantasy girls have is that they’re going to meet a wealthy Prince Charming who will sweep them off their feet.

The Prince is going to discover them. If they just get to know the Prince and spend time with him . . . “I’m different. Special. The handsome prince is going to fall in love with me and we will live happily ever after. He is going to take care of me for the rest of my life.” It’s the most beautiful, unique thing in the world.

If the girls who got caught up in Jeffrey Epstein’s trafficking ring had been told that a dirty old man wants to use your body for a few hours, in return for pocket change, and then discard you, they would not have been so easily coerced.

But the lure of money, of luxury, the promise of connections with wealthy men, the travel to exotic locations, perhaps a modelling contract, was enough to ambush them into taking off their clothes. And more.

i Fugère, Madeleine A., Leszczynski, Jennifer P., Cousins, Alita J. The Social Psychology of Attraction and Romantic Relationships. Red Globe Press. 2014


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