Mia Doucet



Given what you have achieved, are you as happy as you could be? Do you wake up happy? Are you earning what you’re worth? Do you wake up feeling energized? Are you in excellent health? Are your relationships spectacular? Do you feel that what you project into the world is authentic? Do you want to keep going the way you’re going for the next 10 years?

If not, let’s look at why not. Let’s get at the heart of it, once and for all.

You play to win. You’re focused. You’re a high-achiever, highly motivated, a logical and intelligent thinker.

You have big future goals. You make great strategic choices.  You’re great at solving real problems on the job. You have a great track record. It’s how you built your reputation.

But for one reason or another (imposter syndrome, marital problems, relationship issues, divorce, a difficult child, addiction, depression, PTSD) life is a constant struggle.

Something is blocking progress and you are honest enough to admit that the something might be you. You alone know the full cost of underperforming.

You’re self-aware enough to realize that in the complex and forever-changing world of business, the last thing you need is friction, frustration and a negative drain on productivity.

Not to mention your personal happiness. In order to stay at the top of your game, something has to be done. And now.

Maybe you’ve hit a brick wall in your life and there’s no one you can trust to help you through it. That is what I do.

Not only help you get through it but resolve it once and for all.

So if you’ve tried everything and not had results. If you’re looking for happiness and peace of mind, dreaming of transforming your life, freeing yourself of something that has been bothering you forever.

Then you’re in the right place. 

Let’s fix whatever is broken in your life that you can’t talk to anybody about.

It’s time…



 Are you unhappy in spite of meaningful and satisfying work, in spite of your accomplishments?

Do you still get triggered by intrusive memories of  the past?

 Are you still angry about something that happened and unable to let it go?

 Are you dealing with relationship issues, marital problems, messy divorce, memories of a traumatic event, illness, a troubled teen (kids can be such brats 😉 )?  

Do you struggle with deep, personal, non-work-related issues? (Low self-esteem, guilt, grief, shame, self-blame, anger, fear, sadness, old hurts, betrayals, anxiety, heartache, heartbreak, feelings of loss, dread, powerlessness or other?)

 Do you have the position and are you outwardly confident but privately unsure of yourself?

 Have you tried talk therapy, psychotherapy, spiritual practices, various energy modalities, on your own or with practitioners?



  hurting your relationships?

keeping you miserable?

ruining your health?

affecting your work or business?

keeping you eating,  boozing or drinking more than you know you should?

leaving you struggling just to stay in place?


If you’re like every one of my clients, you’ve been trying to solve the same problems over and over for years. Without success.



My work is 100% confidential. But some of my clients graciously allow me to share their results. I am grateful to them.


“I’m a believer! It’s been transformational. Eight years of talk therapy got me nowhere except it was a good place to complain. Your style is great toward getting to the issues and getting them resolved. Childhood traumas and negativity that have been hanging over me for my whole life are gone. The anger is gone. This is the most peaceful my life has ever been. I feel good. I feel free, for the first time ever. I’m a different person. I finally value myself. The track I was on was killing me but now I have the confidence to finally step back and make positive changes in my life. Because I matter.” 
~ Kim Petry, CPA, Fortune 100 Company


“As a practitioner, Mia is tenacious, focused, experienced, sensitive yet direct, and intelligent. Her business background clearly shows up as a results-focused approach . . . all reasons which made me want to work with her. (I say this) as a person who has taken formal EFT training, is very familiar with other forms of EFT, has personally tapped on my own issues . . . worked with several excellent EFT masters and practitioners, and has been a client of Mia’s.”
~ S. Radia, Director, IT Planning & Financial Controls



“Working with Mia was an amazing experience. Seventeen years after my one and a half year old son Danny’s death, I finally came to grips with the loss. Gone was the overwhelming grief, anger and agitation I felt about doctors making mistakes. I have been at peace ever since.” 
~ Charlene Maginn, Professional Speaker


“I’ve been disabled with MS since I was 20. I tried everything for 49 years. Nothing worked. Your method works. It’s been amazingly transformative. It freed me to go into a whole new field that I love. I feel wonderful and hopeful, positive and empowered going forward. The only memories of my life before working with you are of life not being good. Now, life is awesomely wonderful. I expect my life to be delightful and fun.”

~ Paula Brooks-Lounsbury (former Commercial Pilot Instructor)



 Free yourself from all intrusive memories of the past: the trauma, shame, guilt, anger, fatigue, feelings of powerlessness. Any emotion that gets in the way of your happiness.

Overcome the heartbreak of family dysfunction, loss, grief etc. The suffering ends.

 Fix whatever is broken in your personal life.       

 Replace the stigma of abuse with feelings of well-being.

 Release feelings of anxiety and powerlessness that eat away at you and keep you stuck.

 End that “Will you love me if I please you?” people pleasing tendency so many women have.

 Lose every negative emotion that eats away at your heart.

 Lose your attraction to bad relationships. (If that’s your gig 😉) And see other relationships improve.   

 Easily let go all negative feelings that crop up in everyday life.

 Lose your dependence on food, drugs or alcohol. (A side benefit many women have experienced is that when you have got rid of all the unknown reasons why you’re holding on to weight, the weight begins to fall off.) That has to make BREAK FREE the easiest weight loss method in the world!

 Live your life with a renewed sense of energy. A feeling of lightness, freedom and joy. A sense of confidence, decisiveness and control over your life.

Your life transforms. All traces of the anger, guilt, stress, sorrow, self-blame, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem have dissolved into thin air.

So now you can enjoy everything you’ve worked so hard to accomplish.

   How liberating would that be . . . ?

You can have all that.



Because I’ve been where you are.

I’ve walked in your shoes.

Perhaps like you . . . and so many of my clients . . .

Out of shame, I suffered in silence for many, many years because I felt no one would believe me. And I didn’t trust anyone with my secrets.

I underwent years of various conventional therapies. (Earning me the right to judge them totally ineffective!)

I know first-hand that negative patterns root in early childhood.  And I know how to clear these subconscious blocks and beliefs as easily as uninstalling faulty computer code.

What lights me up about this work is that I get to help women like you rapidly break free from whatever is holding you back. And painlessly transform your life. In record time.

At a fraction of what it cost me in time and money. No matter how long you’ve suffered.



Red Checkmark Full commitment to your success. I take on no more than one or two new clients per month in order to be fully available and present for our sessions.

Red CheckmarkNeedless to say, confidentiality is fully guaranteed.

Red CheckmarkSessions are 100% customized to your specific situation.

Red CheckmarkSessions are stress-free, painless (and we often even get to laugh).

Red CheckmarkThe results are permanent.


My mentoring program is not for everyone.  

I thrive on my clients achieving exponential ROI. And so I choose to work only with clients who are looking for solid results and are fully committed to work with me in-depth to achieve spectacular outcomes.

The success of my system has to do with the willingness of the person to accept change that is proven by science and try something new. Skepticism is fine.  My client, Greg Picard (not all my clients are women) said to tell you, “This hocus pocus stuff really works!”

I want what is best for you … most of all, I want to see you put an end to your struggle.

But you must be fully committed to making profound changes in your life or I won’t work with you.

You have to meet 3 important criteria to work with me: 

  1. You’re willing to do the work. 
  2. You’re coachable, open, and ready for change.
  3. You’re fully committed to your success. Because I am fully committed to yours.

Once you meet these criteria, and invest in this program to work with me, I’ll be with you every step of the way.

And you will see a huge transformation in your life.






Grief and Loss

Hurt | Trauma | PTSD


Weight Issues

Work Anxiety


Client Results – Early Videos




My heart wants to work with everyone. But I simply can’t. So working with me is by application or referral only. You need to be fully committed to breaking free.

If you’re interested, please fill out this 2-minute application form.  (I am the only one who will see it.)

I will be in touch within a working day. 

And if I know in my heart that I can help you, we’ll set a time to talk about what you would like to achieve. We will know within minutes whether we should work together to help you break free.

If we’re not a fit, I’ll be happy to provide you with some helpful resources and/or a referral to another consultant.


Whether the pain in your heart is due to the loss of a child, parent, job or relationship, you will find peace.

Transform your stress and anxiety to personal power. Experience fast, permanent results.

BREAK FREE!™ breaks the emotional connection between a trauma memory and the way the brain keeps it alive.

Free yourself through releasing anger, rage, resentment and other hurts that keep you stuck, tethered and unhappy.