Weight Issues


There is an invisible barrier to weight loss and a big, big gap between knowing what you ought to do to lose weight and doing it. That’s because there is something about the process of losing weight and maintaining weight loss that triggers something else inside us.

Want to lose weight?

In the early nineteen-nineties, The Stanford Brain Research Institute stated that 96.4% of our mind is subconscious. If that is so, then it’s the powerful subconscious that is in control.

This explains why weight loss is so difficult to achieve and then maintain, if all you do is address the physical symptoms.

What’s Your Focus?

When you think about your weight, where are you focusing your attention? (Usually, we’re focusing on the symptoms.)

Focusing on the symptoms creates a roadblock to healing. Because the symptom is never the root of the problem. We need to go deeper to the underlying causes/unexpressed emotions embedded in your cellular field in order to get results.

As you are probably aware, pharmaceuticals are 100% symptom-oriented and, often, highly addictive.

The Iceberg Effect

If you want to see what you’re up against, think about an iceberg for a moment. The part that is visible represents what we can readily see. (In this case, our actual weight.)

Everything that is hidden under the water line (the subconscious) represents what is creating our results. If we are not seeing weight loss results, it’s because what is going on under the surface is at odds with what we say we want. (“People put weight on in middle age.” “It’s hard to lose weight after menopause.” “No matter what I do I won’t be able to lose weight.”)

It acts like an invisible barrier that keeps us from doing what we know we should be doing to be our ideal weight.

Once you understand the iceberg effect, it becomes much easier to stop beating up on yourself. You can see, can’t you, that unless you work at a cellular level, your weight loss results will be temporary at best?

My Promise:

  • You will lose weight
  • You will lose it for good
  • Your life will improve in a hundred ways


FREE REPORT: Why You Aren’t Thin Yet

Note that the contact information on the final page of the report has changed: If you want to contact me . . .