Mia Doucet


 “Our subconscious controls our life 95 percent of the time.”
~ Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, Author, The Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution

As you know by now, our subconscious holds the early programming that we absorbed like little sponges in early childhood – the family beliefs,
the limitations and fears, our very sense of self.

These core beliefs govern our lives. The way we respond, make decisions and act in life fits a pattern consistent with those memory imprints.

Scientists tell us that 70% or more of the programs we downloaded in our first seven years are limiting, dis-empowering and self-sabotaging.

Bruce Lipton says that 95% of our life is invisibly running those programs. That’s why the subconscious always wins.

When affirmations, visualization, tapping and spiritual practices don’t produce permanent results, subconscious core issues are the reason.

Every time we think, talk or dwell on a negative past event, focus on a problem (instead of the solution), or project worry into the future, we further reinforce the negative programs that are creating a result we don’t want.


Latest Neuroscience Research

Depending on which neuroscience study you read, you and I operate from the subconscious 95 to 98 % of the time. That’s why, if we want fast, effective change we have to work at the level of the subconscious.

Methods that don’t clear subconscious blocks and beliefs fail or take forever.


Neuroscience Discoveries

 1. We can change our brain. In other words, it is in our power to change our outcomes. (By now, you have no doubt heard of Neuroplasticity.) We were always taught that old dogs can’t learn new tricks. Now we know that is not true. If we can change our brain, we can take back control of our lives.

 2. We can change our early programming and dissolve life’s stresses as readily as changing computer code. Hard to believe, for sure. But it’s the latest finding in energy psychology.

And that’s why we find life such a struggle when we consciously want something but are unable to make it happen. We go through life with wishes and desires from the conscious mind, and then unknowingly play the programs running in the background, in the subconscious mind.


Our Super Computer

If, as Bruce Lipton says, everything in life is created out of our super-computer-subconscious mind, which is “loaded with a database of programmed behaviors.”  If hidden codes (different for everyone) direct our life and keep us from reaching our full potential. Then it makes sense to work at the level of the subconscious mind if we want to change our life. There, “the possibilities for change are limitless.”


Subconscious Mind Reprogramming

Brent Phillips, a brilliant MIT-trained software engineer, developed the method I use to reprogram the subconscious mind. I call it Operating System Upgrade.

The method that treats the mind like a personal computer that is infected with a software bug.

As Brent says, we can’t rewrite a computer code by writing on the monitor. We need to get into the subconscious code.

So, think of subconscious clearing as rewriting your operating system.

Based on the idea that every trauma, every stress is stored as malware in the mind/body, all we need to do is identify the existence of malware and fix the affected program.

And we can do that through muscle testing. More on this in a moment.


If You Find This Hard to Believe . . . 

This work requires “a willing suspension of disbelief.”  The term was coined in 1817 by the British poet and philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It means “a willingness to suspend one’s critical faculties and believe the unbelievable.”

I think it perfectly describes the process my clients go through when we work together.


The Mind-Body Connection

Body/mind/emotions/beliefs and energy field are all interconnected.

The body is in the mind and the mind is in the body. That is why we are able to change how the mind processes memories through tapping on the body’s meridian points.


The mind-body connection also accounts for how we can access subconscious programs through a muscle test.


Muscle Testing: The Body Doesn’t Lie

Muscle testing is a simple mechanical device by which we can identify the subconscious imprints, blocks, beliefs and negative programming that are causing us grief.

Muscle testing is the foundational and revolutionary discovery of chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart, father of Applied Kinesiology, in the early nineteen-sixties.

He is largely forgotten, but in two thousand one, TIME magazine named Dr. Goodheart one of the top 100 Alternative Medicine Innovators of the 21st Century.

More than a half-century has passed since his breakthrough discovery. And still, most people think his concept is rather weird. (My clients, often initially skeptical, think it’s amazing!)


How Muscle Testing Works

Our bodies are surrounded by electrical and magnetic fields. The strength of the muscles in the body is influenced by the strength of the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body.

What Dr. Goodheart discovered is that when you make a statement while muscle testing, the body shows a strong muscle response when the statement resonates as true. The same applies when you ask a question and the answer is “Yes.”

When a statement resonates as false, and when the response to a question is “No,” the muscle shows a weak response.

Dr. Goodheart’s work was carried further by psychiatrist Dr. John Diamond, author of many books on the topic, including the title I love to quote: Your Body Doesn’t Lie.

It’s interesting to note that Dr. Roger Callahan, father of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) — the precursor to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) — was also a student of Dr. Goodheart.

In process of simplifying TFT, Gary Craig discarded the muscle testing component.

But, the practitioner with good intuition who is adept at probing can get very specific information about what programs a client is running with a simple muscle test.

There are as many ways to test as the body has muscles. My favorite is the pendulum. The movement of the pendulum tells you whether the statement is positive (true), or negative (false) to the subconscious. It’s just a matter of trusting the process.

“I’m feeling like a weight has been lifted from me. I’m a different person than when we started working together. Our work has opened so many doors . . . work, relationships, moving toward freedom rather than away from injury in jujitsu. I couldn’t be happier with my progress. My life has just got better and better every week. And this has been another amazing week on every level. I’ve lost 65 pounds since we started working together.”

”You really are so special to me. I’m a scientist and I believe in this wholeheartedly. Who cares if it’s the placebo effect? I’ll take the sugar pill. It works for me and my life is great! It’s the key to manifesting everything you want in your life.”

~ Julie Orr, Entomologist, Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport


Theta Healing

Theta is one of the four main brain-wave states.

Recent brain research shows that the Theta brain wave state is most receptive to change at very deep levels of the mind. 

That’s because Theta is the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious mind.

My work as a practitioner is to first identify a problematic code (belief, program, childhood imprint). Once identified, and with your permission, we uninstall the faulty program in a waking Theta state. We then upgrade to a program that supports you.

This process takes only moments. It’s painless. And the best part? It’s permanent.  


The Connection Between The Subconscious And The Law Of Attraction

The subconscious is constantly creating our life through the Law of Attraction (LOA): “That which is like unto itself is drawn.”  

Like every universal law, the Law of Attraction is always in play. 

When people say LOA doesn’t work, it’s because they don’t realize that we attract what is in our subconscious mind. Not what we consciously want or affirm with the best of intentions.

The lack of congruity between what we say we want and what we get is why we keep trying to solve the same problems over and over again, without success. It’s due to those hidden codes I referred to above.

The idea is to align our conscious and subconscious mind in order to create peace and happiness in our lives. That is what is so powerful and wonderful about this method.


Consistent, Powerful Results

“I’ve been struggling with this drinking problem and beating myself up inside for years and years and years. Nothing has helped me. I worked with an addiction counselor but nothing changed.”

“And then I have one session with you and the desire to drink is gone. I think, this is awesome. I feel good. I’m happy. But it was way too easy and it feels too good to be true. It’s hard to believe that something so easy is so real because we’re so conditioned to believe that everything has to be hard.”

~ Janice Popoff