Work Anxiety


I’ve taken everything I learned in my years as a corporate consultant to top executives in Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies, training in energy psychology, and the latest advances in cutting-edge neuroscience research and applied it to getting sure, quick results in overcoming work stress.

You are an intelligent, gifted professional who wants to feel in control of your personal and work life again. In the eyes of other people you may be successful but you are not kidding yourself about your internal state. You feel that something is missing in your life and are not quite sure what it is or what to do about it.

Whether you are facing a major life obstacle such as a failed or failing marriage, broken relationship or other poignant loss . . . whether it’s a grief that has not healed itself . . . whether it’s a hidden addiction, anger, sadness . . . whatever it is, you feel there is a disconnect between your success and your level of satisfaction and happiness with your life. You may even have started to wonder, like the sad song lyrics: “Is that all there is?”

You are looking for an alternative solution for your stress because you can’t risk the effect of stress meds that will dull your ability to make clear, concise decisions. You require complete confidentiality.

Together, we will create more fun, peace and happiness in your life. Call it a transformation . . . or a complete life overhaul.

“Mia is a kind, loving and generous soul.  After one conversation, I knew I wanted to work with her over other EFT practitioners.  Working with Mia helped start me on a path of true healing during one of the toughest years of my life.  I had hit rock bottom and not only was I able to stand back up, but within a very short period of time, was able to experience joy, love and peace on a daily basis and continue to do so as I continue to heal belief systems that no longer serve me.  To me, EFT is a miraculous tool for healing.”

~ Lisa Bruchac, Life Coach

“Even after our first session, I was in awe as to the transformation I was seeing in such a short period of time. The food and weight were symptomatic of what was happening at a much deeper level.

“There was an energetic shift. I just felt a lot more calm and grounded. I felt more conscious, aware and at choice. I had this incredible feeling of empowerment. Of being in charge. Of “coming home to me.” I had broken the pattern of eating when overwhelmed by stress and was not even tempted to go the comfort food route. 

“Some of the things we cleared are things I had been working on forever. It’s being free. It’s like a chipping away . . . getting to all the deeper levels of all the underlying crap. If only I had known it could be this easy.”

~ Janet Christensen, President and CIO, Dynamic Awareness Inc.

“When I initially contacted Mia I was interested in transforming my life and was looking for a practitioner who could help in various areas (finances, business, relationships, weight loss, fibromyalgia pain, lack of confidence, failures, unresolved grief etc.). Nothing was going right. I was stuck and just spinning my wheels. That is in the past. Today, I feel such a freedom from these issues. I am able to move forward and to take action. The things I’m attracting into my life are amazing . . . gifts, finances, people, and business opportunities. My life has transformed.”

~ Tereza Kumric

 “You’re like a psychiatrist. I can chill with you. I value your opinion because you’re not all f*****d up. I always sense that you’re totally present. You give good advice.”

~ M. J. [obviously a young male client!]

“I’m doing great.  (It) was the best thing ever for my life.  I’m still human and deal with emotions but I’m kicking absolute ass compared to where I was at a year and a half ago.”

~ D.K. [obviously another young male client!!]

“I am happy to say that I am more at peace, more hopeful and more secure than before our session.”

~ Greg Tal

“Again, thank you. Today I can say I feel a change has occurred within me and around me. I usually had feelings of rejection as you know and now it seems that I can go through the walls around myself and my colleagues. I’m grateful for these results. I feel in charge of my reality as opposed to reacting to it. My heart just feels lighter and I feel in the present moment. I’m excited. Others have noticed the changes in me as well. I’m happy with the results of the session bottom line.”

~ Danielle Frechette

“If you are willing to put your skepticism aside and go into the deep dark corners of your soul, tapping will truly transform your life. I highly recommend working with Mia Doucet. She has awoken an empowerment within me to create a life I only dreamed possible.”

~ Jane Rusciolelli, Educator

“This has really helped me calm down. There’s more clarity and less reaction. More positive stuff. I feel calmer, better. Everything just flows better. I’m not so cranky. Funny how once the problem goes away, you have trouble remembering you ever had those problems. It’s not in your brain anymore. You don’t worry about it. There should be some gratitude! But it was too easy! [Laughter]”

~ Janice Popoff

“The American Institute of Health estimates that stress has a $300 billion cost, exacted in the form of turnover, compensation, insurance, medical expenses, and reduced productivity. Increased incidences of mental health conditions, particularly anxiety and depression, are being linked to work and money-related stress.”

~ Krueger, David; Mann, John David, The Secret Language of Money: How to Make Smarter Financial Decisions and Live a Richer Life. McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

“My focus is not to help you MANAGE stress. It’s more than that.  It’s to help you dissolve the hurts that cause you stress. To overhaul your life and create a whole new blueprint for happiness. We do this by eliminating the underlying patterns and mental constructs that traditional talk therapy  fails to address.”

~ Mia Doucet

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