Mia Doucet


Imagery is valuable in clearing out intrusive memories. 

Here’s what I mean . . .

Drawing - Unhappy Woman Fighting Man

My client starts the session with a migraine headache (aka an abusive older brother who has never been confronted).

After some serious tapping, tears,
rude language and raucous laughter . . . 


After some serious tapping, tears, rude language and raucous laughter . . . 

Drawing - Happy Woman Laughing At Cock-of-the-Walk

The abuser morphs into a powerless cock-of -the-walk.


Result . . . 

It feels like freedom that I can run away from him now. It’s very empowering for me to know he has no power over me any more.”


One last word . . . 

Drawing: We can turn a cock-of-the-walk into a feather duster












Green garbage bags come in handy

One of my favorite ways to deal with outworn, painful concerns and memories is to put them in a green garbage bag.

My clients get to decide how long they intend to carry the load: 


Drawing: How long you gonna hang on to that ole green garbage bag?Drawing: You get to decide how long you want to keep dragging it around.

Ever wonder what to do with old, painful relationships?

Drawing: How long you gonna hang on to that ole relationship, Girl?

Monster are a big deal

My clients’ imaginations are often far more vivid than my own.  And lately, I am impressed with how often my clients represent as a monster someone who hurt them in childhood.

In this case, see what happens when the client’s perspective shifts after tapping: the monster transforms.