Mia Doucet


Case Study #1: Insurance Executive Cuts Her Hours, Doubles Her Business


“Penny” owns a successful corporate insurance company and is in the top 5% of income earners in her field.

Her executive husband had retired from a 500 company and was unhappy that her business required her to work evenings and weekends. As you can imagine, this was causing friction in the family.

In her words . . .

I was stuck. I felt I had to work hard in order to deserve success. Like a hamster on a wheel, I kept doing more of same. I worked too much, too hard, too long. But, no matter how hard I worked, it never felt like I was doing enough. I was overwhelmed, overworked, overcommitted, stressed out and unhappy.

I was afraid of being judged. Things had to be perfect in order to get approval. So I would worry excessively over mistakes. 

I doubted myself and avoided talking about it because who could I trust? I had trouble setting limits with my clients and allowed clients to place too many demands on me and my team. I took care of everyone’s needs at the expense of my own.

I felt not heard. On a personal level, I couldn’t forgive and move past some things that happened a long time ago.


Through working with you, I discovered it was my subconscious belief systems that were keeping me stuck.

I learned that I was giving away my power, trying to please someone other than myself, letting somebody else be in charge. You asked me, “Who have you made the authority in your life?”

First, it was my teachers because I got no attention at home as a kid. Then it was my customers.

You set me free.

Now, life is easier. I am my own authority. I am in control of my life and my time and am enjoying life more. I’m not afraid of change any more. I trust and allow.

Now I give myself permission not to care what other people think. And it’s not my job to fix people’s problems.


She sold a block of her business and divested a client who was taking advantage of her. Not only does she no longer work evenings and weekends, she takes Mondays and Fridays off as well (“that makes my husband happy”). And . . . she doubled her revenue.

It’s crazy! How could your simple approach be that life-changing? This is the best investment I ever made.


CASE STUDY #2: Entrepreneur Conquers Imposter Syndrome

My client “Mary” who co-owns an 8-figure international business, came to work with me for personal reasons unrelated to the business.


It soon became evident that she had every symptom of imposter syndrome. Not only did she feel held back by a lack of confidence, in spite of her hard work, she felt she did not deserve the success she had achieved. And that success came at a very high personal and emotional cost.


Every session consisted of clearing out old patterns rooted in a difficult childhood. She called it “mind reprogramming.”

At work, her lack of confidence was most evident in the boardroom, where she was unable to present her ideas for fear of having them shot down.

Result #1

Mary found the confidence to present her idea for a new line of products.

She had what she described as a “massive internal shift in the boardroom”:

I no longer feel put on the spot. I’m more productive and assured. Last week, it was almost like an out-of-body experience. During my presentation, someone challenged me. This time – it was like a miracle – I didn’t feel attacked. It was like someone ese took over. It was just so wonderful and freeing and empowering.

Result #2

Two weeks later, Mary reported that the creative idea she proposed that day is a big hit.

The impact on the company of this new product line is a projected revenue increase of $250,000 to $500,000 per year. And that amount is expected to grow each year.

I can’t thank you enough. It’s incredible. We’ve cleared so many things, there are no longer the same triggers at work. Work gets done faster.

Everybody should be doing your mind reprogramming!


CASE STUDY #3: Insurance Business Owner at the Top of the Game

One of my early clients reported that he had been experiencing highs and lows in his business for years.

He never felt comfortable prospecting for new clients.


I told him he was looking in the wrong place. We worked on his aiming higher.


More than two decades after our work together, he sent me this note:

Steve Jobs’ successor says, “Go where you are appreciated not tolerated.”

Thanks to you, I realized that I belong at the top in this game. People who are less than the best didn’t get me or appreciate me.

Since you are an excellent coach, I thought that I would share how I turned things around in Oakville.

1. I was playing in the minor leagues. I belonged in the majors. When I sought out the best and brightest accountants and bankers, I hit the jackpot.

2. I approached other professionals with a joint venture proposition. We each share in compensation. The client wins, my partner wins, I win.

Thank you.

~ Name withheld on request

So if you feel you don’t fit in, good. Maybe, that is because you are extraordinary.