Mia Doucet


Case Study 1: Medical Equipment Representative Gets Her Life Back


“Linda” was a self-described “Type A+” who had been the company’s top performer in an all-male corporate sales arena. She was unstoppable. Until she wasn’t.

When she contacted me, she had been on disability since her body shut down five years earlier. She never left her home, was going through a lawsuit with her employer, had lost her self-confidence, self-esteem, and all ability to focus and concentrate. She reported feeling cursed.

She wanted desperately to “find that sweet spot of life again, where opportunity came to me and doors were opened.”


“I think your model is correct. I think this is the best solution for your clients. I had 20,000 reasons I didn’t want to do it. I might have been tempted to quit at times. It hasn’t always been pleasant for me. I mightn’t have wanted to delve anymore and continue. There were times I had more energy after our sessions than I’d had in weeks. Other times, I had to decompress. But what kept me calling back was that I had paid you all that money.”

Linda won a near-half-million dollar settlement, based on salary + commissions.  Left the corporate world and now makes her living with her own line of jewelry.

“There’s no way for sure that I could have done this alone. I stand by that, absolutely. You can quote me.”

Case Study #2: General Manager’s Increase in Confidence Results in 20% Increase in Pay


Before working together, “Mary” was stressed, anxious, and losing sleep over taking on extra responsibilities when she was promoted to General Manager. “Anxious about work” was 19th of 30 issues she wanted to resolve.


Due to the number of challenges this client presented, it took 9 months of mentoring to resolve every issue.

I continue to feel happier overall (which is awesome).

I am much more confident. The responsibilities of the General Manager position feel lighter than they otherwise would have. I have moments of pressure, but most of the time, I feel “I’ve got this. I’ll figure it out.”

There’s less overwhelm because I’m not feeling so stressed about things.

Because of our work together, I see solutions, I’m more decisive and take definitive action. I’m more efficient in the use of my time. I get more done.

My increase in confidence means I’m more valuable to my company. And that has increased my income by more than 20%. 

Case Study #3: Airport Executive Releases the Weight of Negativity


Jill had never made the connection that her negativity and resistance to coaching were connected to her relationship with her dad.

I built up a wall to not allow myself to get hurt with my father’s words. Because the way he wanted to instruct me was always condescending and hurtful. I found a way to put up a block so I wouldn’t be hurt. I thought it was good because I didn’t acknowledge anyone to hurt me. It worked beautifully.

I could not believe how overwhelming that was for me. That was powerful.

I’m really excited that you uncovered this. I purposely didn’t do what he told me to do. I can see the humor in it now.

That was a big change. My whole body physically feels different. I had a really big release.

Result #1

“I can’t express to you what you have done for me today. I don’t have the words. I just feel so good and light, so happy. I’m just enjoying this moment.

It’s so easy to get stuck in the negativity without realizing that you’re being negative. It was an aha moment when you told me that trying to prevent injury in jujitsu was negative. The idea of moving toward freedom rather than away from injury changes everything.

Result #2

“I’m feeling like a weight has been lifted from me. I’m a different person than when we started working together. Our work has opened so many doors . . . work, relationships, moving toward freedom rather than away from injury in jujitsu. I couldn’t be happier with my progress. My life has just got better and better every week. And this has been another amazing week on every level.

Result #3

I’ve lost 65 pounds since we started working together.

Result #4

Jill was awarded the rank of black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

I prefer your way of working to every method I have used.

Result #5

She received an expected and “unprecedented” $1500 bonus at work.