Mia Doucet


My BREAK FREE SYSTEM™ system relies on the mind-body connection, and centers on making deep changes while a person is in the Theta state. It was designed by a computer programmer who is also an MIT-trained engineer.

Recent brain research shows that Theta brain waves are the area to focus on to reduce stress or anxiety, disengage negativity, and rapidly change mindset. These are the same brain wave states that are activated during hypnosis, meditation and mindfulness.

It differs from these practices in that it treats the mind like a computer that is infected with a software bug. In brief, with the client in total control at all times, we identify and uninstall the faulty code (stressors). Then we upgrade with empowering beliefs. The process changes their mindset to a more positive one. The result is a happy, more productive state.

In my experience with clients, it’s a more direct approach than hypnosis, meditation, mindfulness or executive coaching. It is therefore easier, quicker and much more efficient. Not to mention, painless.

The Mind-Body Connection

Body/mind/emotions/beliefs and energy field are all interconnected.

The body is in the mind and the mind is in the body. That is why we are able to change how the mind processes memories through tapping on the body’s meridian points.


The mind-body connection also accounts for how we can access subconscious programs through a muscle test.