Mia Doucet


I’ve taken everything I learned in my years as a corporate consultant to top executives in Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies and the latest advances in cutting-edge neuroscience research and applied it to getting sure, quick results in your personal and professional life.

is an intensive one-on-one program for professional women who, while outwardly successful, struggle with deep, personal, and often non-work-related issues: isolation, unresolved grief, guilt, regret, blame, hurt, anger, trauma, losses, betrayals, heartbreak, a broken relationship or other painful life experience.  

It’s the fastest, easiest and most efficient route to change.

It will give you results that no traditional approach will EVER give you. Because traditional processes focus on the symptoms and not the root cause. And they take forever to produce results. (Some of my clients had 17, 25 and even 37 years of costly therapy before we worked together.)

Strictly One-on-One. Personalized.

In-depth. Fully Confidential.

Hyper-Relevant. Virtual.

BREAK FREE SYSTEM™ is a proven system grounded in the latest scientific discoveries in neuroscience, energy psychology best practice, and thousands of hours of personalized work with clients. 

My method is 100% proprietary and unique to me. I’ve been perfecting it for over 15 years. And I can guarantee you have never experienced this approach before. 

There is nothing pre-packaged or off-the-shelf about this method. It is fully customized to your individual situation.

It’s a more direct approach than hypnosis, meditation or mindfulness, and light years ahead of talk therapy. We do not rehash hurtful memories.

It works where other methods have failed. And it defies our normal way of thinking about how difficult change has to be.

What excites me about this work (one of many things that excite me about this work) is that we can delete unwanted patterns in an instant.

And the change is permanent.

That was unheard of just a few years ago.

The world hasn’t caught on yet.

But you can experience it now.


The talk therapy model no longer works in today’s fast-moving world . . . if it ever did.

It was the best in its day. But it’s so last century!  

In fact, it’s widely recognize now as being less than 50 percent effective. And it can take forever. Who can afford to spend years and years delving into the why?

You can’t keep talking about a problem with a friend or a therapist or rolling it around in your own head and expect things to change.

You see, the problem with talking about the problem is that you’re focusing on the problem. Not the solution. So the mind keeps producing the problem.

Because that is what the mind has been programmed to do.

And – you’ve heard it before – what we focus on, grows.

Until we free it. 


BREAK FREE SYSTEM™ focuses on the solution. I don’t treat symptoms.

I have therapists and psychotherapists as clients. Some from the Hamptons. Some from the Big Apple. They tell me that if word gets out what I do it could put them out of business. (Strange how they never seem to refer me. 😉)



Energy methods are brilliant at releasing emotional triggers and making us feel better in the moment. But they don’t obliterate negative patterns.

The secret is to access the source of the invisible, underlying, often unacknowledged emotions that are the root cause of our suffering.

Once we have cleared the negative emotional charge from a destructive emotion, we identify the specific negative programs, imprints and beliefs that stand in the way of the love, the health and the life that you want.

People often think the problem is one thing. But I uncover something else.

Here’s one example . . .

I worked with a client who reported a lifetime of relationship problems. She had spent 35 unsuccessful years in therapy working on grief at her young husband’s death from an industrial accident.

Thirty-five years! With several different therapists!

And she was still unhappy.

Here’s why . . .

The grief was just the surface issue. A symptom.

The root of the problem was her unacknowledged anger – and, most important, shame about her anger – at her young husband for dying and leaving her with a one-year old and an unborn child.

Once identified and resolved, her life transformed in an instant.

“I’m always skeptical . . . But the thousands of dollars I have spent on therapy in the past 35 years haven’t given me the relief of the two hours I spent with Mia. Ten days after my session, I really believe I am healed. The old grief from my first husband’s death is gone. I am so grateful to Mia. She has truly helped me in many ways I never thought would be possible on this side of heaven.”

~ Heather Montgomery 

Clients tell me that my superpower is the ability to zoom right in on 
the root cause. This makes my process quick. Painless. Simple and elegant.

Without judgment. Often with a lot of laughs, I might add!


The technology I use was developed by a brilliant MIT-trained software engineer.

It differs from hypnosis, meditation, mindfulness and other practices in that it treats the mind like a biological computer that is infected with a software bug.

(As you know, we can’t rewrite a computer code by writing on the monitor. 😊 We need to get into the subconscious code.)

This process might require you to suspend your disbelief just a little bit because it is unlike anything you have ever seen.


  Identify faulty code—underlying patterns and memories of events that had a negative emotional impact on you and keep you stuck.


  Zoom in and uninstall the faulty codes from your operating system. This deletes the bad memories, subconscious blocks, beliefs, buried emotions and baggage from the past.


  Upload new, positive programs and empowering beliefs. 

  The changes are forever.

You have no doubt heard that we operate from our subconscious 95 to 98 percent of the time. So you know this approach is going to work!

The result is always light and free. A happy, more productive state. Clients consistently report a new sense of lightness and freedom after even the first session.

“I’m a scientist. What you do with changing the subconscious is real science. For the scientific mind, the hardest thing to accept is that your conscious brain and your subconscious brain are not in sync. But you can reprogram your subconscious mind and your life will change. As mine did.”

~ Julie Orr, Entomologist, Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport


I work with you in private, exclusive, confidential, one-on-one 2-hour intensive blocks. Because no part of me believes that online group programs are the answer to our deepest issues. 

Each session is fully customized to your personal situation, personality, beliefs, events and life story. Why waste your valuable time trying to fix something that isn’t specific to you?

There are certain steps we need to go through. But your process and sequence will be unique to you.

I am 100% focused on your highest interests. When you work with me, you are the only game in town.

I take on only one new client in any month in order to be fully available and present for our sessions.

Direct email access to me throughout our work together supports you as you need it. (This is especially important at the start.)

Bi-Monthly assessments track your overall progress to keep us focused on your goals.

I guarantee my work and stay with you until you are happy with your results. (Does anyone else promise you this?) 

3 months after your final session: Verify that all issues have been resolved. That you stress out less, play more, and have more fun.

6 months later: Confirm that you are still happy with your results.

12 months later: Confirm that your transformation is proving permanent.